antiracist - antisexist - riotgrrrls
hippiegrrl media


all the things we love

What do we love? We love people that have been in our lives forever and people we just met yesterday. We love places that we have visited and places we can only dream of visiting. And, of course, we love things! Things are something we cannot live without, especially in the 21st century. Sure, the concept of minimalism tells us that we do not need things, but in reality, we all have things that we love. Some of these things are actually inanimate objects and some are concepts. At the end of the day, we all have our ‘thing’ and that is something we cannot live without.

In honour of this, we are dedicating this page to all the people, places, and things that we love here at hippiegrrl media. We hope you enjoy our lists and if you have anything to add, please let us know!

the city

New York City, center of the universe, and one of hippiegrrl media’s favourite places on earth. We love to visit as often as we can and hang out below Houston. The park is nice too, but the Village is where it’s at. Still. If you haven’t been in a while (or ever!) you should check out some of the links on the left and then plan your trip. You will not regret it!

critical thought

hippiegrrl media has always encouraged critical thinking through sociological analysis of the world we live in. Being informed is the best defense against tyranny and you cannot take action without information. In honour of this, we present you with some interesting and informative links from various critical thought focused media outlets. Together we will fight FAKE NEWS! Join the club and get informed.


Here at hippiegrrl media, we have always been interested in the riot grrrl movement. It was something that started before we were old enough to partake, but we have always felt (and still do feel) extremely drawn to the ideals of the movement. We feel this connects to our feminism. And yes – we are feminists. Feminism is for EVERYONE and we have never been afraid to refer to ourselves with that title. We are all in this fight together. Check out some of the links we have gathered to keep you informed from the grrrlverse.


It goes without saying that we LOVE coffee here at hippiegrrl media. Caffeine in all forms fuels our days (and sometimes our evenings) and if there was a reason that we had to stop ingesting caffeinated products we would probably not comply. I realize that sounds crazy, but coffee and tea have always been a central part of our existence and it would be very very difficult to give up the stuff. We are certainly not alone in our love of all things caffeinated, as you can see from the links to the right. Visit these spots on the internet and then visit them in real life if you can!

For our musings on coffee, please click the coffee link in our navigation menu at the top of the page. This is our spot to write about everything coffee related in Buffalo, Huntsville, and beyond. We love having readers join us on our journey to find the best shot of espresso and the warmest writing environment in every city that we visit. Enjoy!


Gardening was one of the first topics that we covered here at and we still love photographing flowers and plants. We do not have the greenest of thumbs, but we definitely love looking at other sites of gardeners who are doing it right! Check them out…


Music keeps us going here at hippiegrrl media. Without music, we would be fully unproductive. Check out our spotify and if you are in the mood for some words on music, visit our sister site, gen x reactions!

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hippie life

This space is obviously a place for hippies and hippie life, but here you will also find links to other spots on the Internet that focus on hippies. There have always been some form of hippies on earth and there always will be. It isn’t just about the 1960s. Enjoy.