from the archives: Birthday Month

Yes – It is November and tomorrow is my 44th birthday. I am both excited and tired. Moving to Alabama and getting settled in has been difficult. Last week was the midterm election and although it was good overall (we took back the House – woot!) in Alabama the election results were super disheartening. Voters here […]

from the archives: August is Almost Over

Many things have happened over the past month. We picked up our whole lives and moved from Buffalo, NY to Huntsville, AL. Yes, Alabama. In the heat of August, during the most oppressive season when even northerners hate to be outside for long periods of time, we decided to move  to the deep south. Well, […]

from the archives: June TBR Update!

We are almost half way through 2018 and it feels like about time to give an update on my reading challenge. Unfortunately, I am a bit behind, but I am hoping that the warmer weather will prompt me to sit on my patio, with a cocktail and a good book, many evenings to come. Until […]

from the archives: 2018 Book List

So I realize that we are already more than half-way through the second month of 2018, but I am finally ready to update you on my TBR (to be read) list. A couple weeks back, I installed some new shelves in my office to dedicate to my TBR pile. As you can see – I have varied […]